Do not panic when using industrial cleaning agent incorrectly and handle it carefully

2015-05-13 1045

During the process of using industrial cleaning agent, the factory protection personnel have adverse reactions due to the body touching the cleaning agent due to the operation error. At this time, we are often panic stricken and do not know how to deal with it. Now, the small editor will introduce the first-aid measures after the industrial cleaning agent does not touch the body carelessly.
榜首:与皮肤触摸:用大量清水冲刷,如有可行请运用番笕。脱去被沾有玷污的衣物,包含鞋子、袜子等。再 次穿着前有必要彻底洗净。
第二:与双眼触摸:当即用清水或生理盐水冲刷、擦拭双眼直至影响感衰退,若影响感仍继续,需进行专业医 疗处理。
第三:吸入:运用适宜的呼吸防护设备,当即将有关病人转移。若病人中止呼吸,须进行人工呼吸。坚持身体 状况,及时送医。

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