2015-05-07 1073
(1) The hard chrome workshop of a factory has three large, medium and small chrome plating tanks with a total of more than 10000 liters of solution. Rare earth additives are used to chrome the shaft
2015-05-05 992
(1) in the process of processing, due to the requirements of processing technology (such as cooling, lubrication, abrasive, surface treatment, heat treatment, etc.), the metal has various oil stains.
2015-04-30 1081
Fe & sup 2; + Fe³+、 Cu²+、 Pb²+ Etc., too many impurities will cause the plating layer to be dark and black, and black stripes will occur. The laxity of the plating solution can be
2015-04-28 1086
Hard chromium is removed and then plated. Usually, chromium is not plated or some parts are not plated. The reason is that the parts have been hydrogenated during chromium plating, and a lot of carb
2015-04-24 1004
Present situation of cyanide electroplating in precious metal electroplating technology氰化电镀技术因为其优胜的功能,在不一样的电镀设备镀种,依然被不一样程度的沿袭。当前在电镀中含有氰化物的首要镀种及工序有:氰化镀锌、氰化镀镉、氰化镀铜、氰化镀黄铜(含氰化镀仿金)、氰化镀铜锡合金(含高锡青铜和低锡青铜)、氰化镀银
2015-04-23 1074
① Plating function. At present, many cyanide free silver plating functions cannot meet the technical requirements, especially the engineering silver plating, which has more requirements than the deco
2015-04-22 1067
Mechanical pretreatment & rarr; Pre degreasing & rarr; Upper hanger & rarr; Device shield & rarr; Degreasing & rarr; Water washing & rarr; Rust removal & rarr; Water washing & rarr; Anodic cor
2015-04-21 1112
1. Relationship between chromic anhydride concentration and hardness在其它技术条件一样的时分,铬酐浓度低时硬度高。但浓度低,镀液变化快,不安稳。2.硫酸含量和硬度的联系在正常的镀铬技术标准中。铬酐与硫酸的比值应当保持在100:1。在其它浓度不变时,进步硫酸含量,铬层的 硬度也相应增高。但在二者比值为100:1.4,再进步硫酸含量硬
2015-04-20 1088
There are two kinds of chrome plating, one is decorative chrome of decorative chrome technology, and the other is hard chrome technology.硬铬是对比好的一种增加外表硬度的办法,可是它的优缺点许多,所以很多情况下都没采用。硬铬长处一,外表光洁度好,硬铬长处二,不会生
2015-04-18 1069
1. Improve the surface hardness, wear resistance, corrosion resistance and high temperature oxidation resistance of the mold;2.削减因为粉尘、颗粒导致的斑驳不良;3.进步模具外表抗冲突才能,然后进步出产功率;4.通过镀硬铬处理的模具可到达乃至超越硬质合金的功能指标,不只大幅